RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013
RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013

Peugeot 9730A2

Image RAVENOL MTF-2 SAE 75W-80
RAVENOL MTF-2 SAE 75W-80 is a PAO based full synthetic low-viscosity transmission oil for modern manual transmission. RAVENOL MTF-2 SAE 75W-80 is designed based on special selected base oils and specially coordinated additive treatment. This exceeds the needs of today's application requirements. RAVENOL MTF-2 SAE 75W-80 is outstanding for use under severe mechanical and thermal stress on transm...
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